Configuring Additional Combo Meal Settings

You can configure additional combo meal options in various EMC modules.

  1. To prevent tendering with incomplete combo meals:
    1. Select the Enterprise, property, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Tender/Media.
    2. Double-click the tender media record.
    3. Click the Options tab, and then click the Printing Options subtab.
    4. To prevent the tender from being enabled when a meal is missing a side item, select 85 - Not Allowed With Incomplete Meals.
    5. Click Save.
  2. To enable workstation operators to add incomplete combo meals and placeholder items:
    1. Select the Enterprise, click Configuration, and then click Roles.
    2. Double-click the role record.
    3. Click the Operations tab, and then click the Transactions subtab.
    4. To enable workstation operators to add a parent item without a required condiment, select 161 - Allow Incomplete Item.

      The parent menu item must have 59 - Allow Item Incomplete Based on Role set from the Menu Item Classes module.

    5. To enable workstation operators to authorize or perform a service total or tender on a transaction with a placeholder item, select 164 - Authorize/Perform Service Total/Payment with Placeholder item.

      You must also set option 85 - Not Allowed With Incomplete Meals in the Tender/Media module. Placeholder Menu Items in Combo Meals contains more information.

    6. Click Save.
  3. To control a user’s ability to change non-placeholder side items added during a previous round for combo meal orders:
    1. Select the Enterprise, click Configuration, and then click Roles.
    2. Double-click the role record.
    3. Click the Operations tab, and then click the Transactions subtab.
    4. In the Transaction Control Options section, select 310 - Authorize/Perform changes to non-placeholder side items ordered in previous rounds.

      When this option is disabled, workstation operators are prompted to have a privileged employee enter their ID in order to continue changing previous round non-placeholder combo meal side items.

  4. To configure revenue center parameters for combo meals:
    1. Select the revenue center, click Setup, and then click RVC Parameters.
    2. Click the Options tab.
    3. To enable the combo key to function with Auto Combo Meal recognition, select 51 - Allow Auto Combo Meal Recognition with the "Combo" key.
    4. To enable the Auto Combo Meal recognition to create combo meals from menu items that were ordered in previous rounds, select 52 - Allow Creation of Combo Meals from Previous Round Menu Items.
    5. To show a list of combo meal choices when the workstation operator attempts to create meals from menu items already on the check, select 55 - Show Combo Meal Choices.
    6. To have the application create combo meals from the menu items added to the check in the current round, select 58 - Auto Combo Items On The Fly.
    7. Click Save.
  5. To configure menu item class options:
    1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Classes.
    2. Double-click the menu item class record.
    3. Click the Options tab.
    4. To indicate that all menu items in the class are the priced (parent) portion of a Fixed Price Meal, select 35 - Fixed Price Meal.

      If this option is not selected, the class is treated as a child (non-priced) component of a Fixed Price Meal. The system relies on the setting of the Course Mask options to determine whether a menu item class is associated with a fixed price meal.

    5. To enable the workstation operator to add a menu item without satisfying the required condiment’s conditions, select 59 - Allow Item Incomplete Based On Role.

      The role privilege 161 - Allow Incomplete Item must be set for the workstation operator ordering a parent item with this menu item class.

    6. If the menu item is a placeholder in a combo meal, select 60 - Placeholder.
    7. To hide placeholder items from the check detail area, select 61 - No Placeholder Display.
    8. Click Save.