Assigning Effectivity Groups to Combo Meal Group Menu Items

You can assign combo meal group items to an effectivity group. When configuring combo meal items you can establish a timeframe for the items to be active and available to order. This results in only seeing items linked to an active effectivity group in the combo meal selection choices on POS workstations Effectivity groups allow you to make combo meal group items:

  • Available for a limited time

  • Available for a future date

  • Disabled

Disabling an item lets you make it unavailable as a combo meal group item without deleting the item from the configuration. This allows you to make the item available again more easily.

To assign an effectivity group to a combo group menu item, access the EMC:

  1. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Maintenance.
  2. Leave the default record type of Menu Item Master in the Record Type field’s drop-down list, and then click the Search button.
  3. Select a combo meal menu item you want to assign an effectivity group and double-click it to toggle to Form view.
  4. Click the MI Master - Effectivity tab.
  5. From the Effectivity Group section, click the ellipsis (...), assign the effectivity group of your choice, and then Save.

    Figure 24-5 Enterprise - MI Master - Effectivity Tab

    This figure shows the Menu Item Master module’s MI Master - Effectivity tab along with the record’s Effectivity Group configuration section.


    From the MI Master module, you can only assign one effectivity group at a time per menu item. If the menu item record is inherited to the property and revenue center (RVC) levels, the original effectivity group selection cascades to those levels. You can also toggle to the property or RVC levels and override (or delete) an assigned effectivity group or assign it another effectivity group altogether. Once saved, the item’s effectivity group setting remains active at that level until the effectivity date/time has been reached and expires.

    Figure 24-6 Property - Menu Item Master Effectivity Group Setting

    This figure shows the property level’s effectivity group section along with the Effectivity Group section’s Override and Delete links.


    The Menu Item Master module’s effectivity group setting takes precedence over any other effectivity settings. For example, if the menu item master effectivity setting is disabled (or expires), then the menu item does not appear anywhere on the POS workstation (including combo meal items), despite being linked to an active effectivity group within a combo meal group.

    See Creating Combo Meal Groups for more information about configuring combo meal groups.

    See Configuring Effectivity Groups for more information about creating effectivity groups.