Adding a Customer Facing Display (CFD)

You can attach a touch-enabled CFD to a workstation to let guests review their orders for accuracy as workstation operators enter the orders. You can attach a CFD to a MICROS Workstation 8, MICROS Workstation 625, or MICROS Workstation 655. The CFD shows translated text as defined in the language settings for the enterprise.

Before starting this procedure, verify the workstation has been installed at the property, the CFD has been attached to it, and a workstation record has been added to the EMC for the property.

  1. In the EMC, select the property, click Workstations, and then double-click the workstation record to open it.
  2. Enable the CFD by clicking the Options tab, click the Display/Security tab, and then click 67 - Enable Customer Facing Display.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Optionally, add a welcome image that displays on the CFD when the workstation operator starts the order and another image that displays when the order is closed:
    1. Determine at which level to add the images.
      You can add images at the enterprise, property, and revenue center levels. Your business requirements determine at which level you add the images. For example, you can use different images for different revenue centers at a property.
    2. Select the enterprise, property, or revenue center, click the Setup tab, and then click Content in the Custom Content section.
    3. Create a content record for the welcome image.
      Enter a name (for example, Order Welcome), select 12 - Image (PNG) from the Content Type drop-down, and then click Import from a file to upload the image.
    4. Create a content record for the order close image.
      Enter a name (for example, Order Close), select 12 - Image (PNG) from the Content Type drop-down, and then click Import from a file to upload the image.
    5. Click Save.
  5. Configure the CFD:
    1. Select the enterprise, property, or revenue center.
    2. Click the Setup tab, click Format Parameters in the Parameters section, and then click the Customer Facing Display Configuration tab.
    3. To show the currency symbol on the CFD, select 1 - Display Currency Symbol on Customer Facing Display.
    4. To let guests receive receipts by email, select 2 - Display Email and Printing Receipt Prompt to Server.

      Guests enter their email addresses on the CFD. The system sends receipts to guests after orders are closed.

    5. In the Welcome Background Image Name and Closed Background Image Name fields, enter the image names exactly as you named them when completing steps 4c and 4d.

    Make sure to configure email settings as described in Configuring Email Receipt Parameters and add a printer as described in Configuring a Printer.