Menu Item Field Security

EMC employee role privileges grant access to all of the fields within the Menu Item (MI) Master, MI Definition, MI Prices, Event Definitions, and Effectivity Groups so that files can be controlled precisely. All current EMC and POS client access privilege controls remain enforced. However, all of the fields within these files have Editable, View Only, and Exclude privileges available for configuration. By default, all of the field access levels are set to Editable (full access privileges).

EMC Configuration

To configure the Role’s module Fields tab settings:

Select the Enterprise, click the Configuration tab, and then click Roles.

Click the Fields tab. You can set the access levels under the Access column.

Select the drop-down list to view the settings. The available levels are:
  • 0 - Editable

  • 1 - View Only

  • 2 - Exclude

Figure 3-7 Roles Module Fields Tab

This figure shows the Roles module, specifically the Fields tab and its settings.

From the Roles module, when you select the EMC Modules tab, there is a column named Field Level Security. This column shows an exclamation indicator (!) when viewed from table view if any of the access privileges located in the Fields tab have been set to the View Only or Exclude access settings.

In the following example, the Manager role has been assigned View Only access privileges for the Menu Item (MI) Masters and MI Definitions modules.

Figure 3-8 Roles Module EMC Modules Tab

This figure shows the Roles module, specifically the EMC Modules tab and the restriction indicators which show in the Field Level Security column.

If you restrict access to users using the View Only or Exclude Field settings, the indicator (!) displays on the tabs located in the MI Maintenance module while in table view. Additionally, if users attempt to filter a search using an excluded field, the Filter becomes disabled.

Figure 3-9 Menu Item Maintenance Module - Restriction Indicators for MI Records

This figure shows the table view of the MI Maintenance module, specifically the restriction indicators which are showing on the MI Masters and MI Definitions tabs.

If you are in form view within the Menu Item Maintenance module, the restriction indicator appears on the record tab as shown below.

Figure 3-10 Menu Item Definition Module - Restriction Indicators from Form View

This figure shows the form view of the MI Definition module, specifically the restriction indicators which are showing on two of this MI Definition record’s tabs.

When working with Event Definitions, if the Roles module Fields setting is assigned to View Only or Exclude, the fields within the module are grayed out and non-configurable by the user.

Figure 3-11 Roles Module Fields Tab - Event Definitions

This figure shows the Roles module, Fields tab, specifically the available Event Definitions field settings.

The grayed out fields shown here are non-configurable based on the previous Fields tab configuration.

Figure 3-12 Event Definitions Module Showing Grayed Out Fields

This figure shows the Event Definitions module and the grayed out fields which have restricted access as configured from the Roles module via the Fields tab.

Figure 3-13 Event Definitions Module - Grayed Out Areas Tab

This figure shows the Event Definitions module and the grayed out Areas tab field which has restricted access as configured from the Roles module via the Fields tab.

When working with Effectivity Groups, if the Roles module Fields setting is assigned to View Only or Exclude, the fields within the module are grayed out and non-configurable by the user.

Figure 3-14 Roles Module Fields Tab - Effectivity Groups

This figure shows the Roles module, Fields tab, specifically the available Effectivity Groups field settings.

The grayed out fields shown here are non-configurable based on the previous Fields tab configuration.

Figure 3-15 Effectivity Groups Module Showing Grayed Out Fields

This figure shows the Effectivity Groups module and the grayed out fields which have restricted access as configured from the Roles module via the Fields tab.

See Creating Roles for more information.