Menu Item Availability

Menu Items can be disabled by the franchisor. Disabled menu items cannot be sold. This provides a quick way to prevent an item from being sold, and then to make it available again.

An effectivity group can be assigned to a Menu Item (MI) Master record from the module’s MI Master - Effectivity tab. This allows the franchisee to control when the menu item is available. The effectivity group drop-down list includes a 1- Disable setting. When the effectivity group is set to be disabled, the menu item is not available to be sold.

Figure 17-3 Menu Item Master Module - MI Master Tab

This figure shows the Menu Item Master module’s effectivity groups settings.
Two new settings have been added to the MI Master module:
  • Core - Select to enforce menu items as core menu items. These menu items cannot be controlled by effectivity groups.

  • Disabled - Menu items can be disabled using this setting. This setting takes precedence over the Core Menu Item option.

Menu items set as core items cannot be managed by effectivity groups. The franchisor sets menu items as core items so the franchisee’s location must offer them for sale to customers. When menu items are set as core menu items, the MI Master’s Effectivity Group section becomes unavailable and is grayed out.

See Configuring Effectivity Groups in the Effectivity Groups chapter for more information.

Enabling the Role Privileges for MI Availability Access

Field level employee role privileges are available for Core, Disabled, and MI Master Effectivity Groups. Franchisors use the core menu item and disabled settings to manage menus from the corporate office. Franchisees use MI Master effectivity groups to manage menus items at their location.

To enable access privileges for this feature:

  1. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Roles.

  2. Insert a new record or select an existing role, and then click OK.

  3. Double-click the role record, and then click the Fields tab.

  4. Select Menu Item Masters from the EMC Modules section.

  5. Select the following items from the Fields column, and then ensure each item’s Access privilege is set to Editable.

    • Core

    • Disabled

    • MI Master - Effectivity

Click Save.

Figure 17-4 Roles Module - Fields Tab

This figure shows the Roles module, specifically the required Fields tab settings.