Adding a Property

Prior to adding a Property, note that there are specific phone number and postal code requirements for Payment Cloud Service customers. See Assign Revenue Centers to an Account for more information.

  1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click Properties.
  2. Click the Insert icon This image shows the Insert icon. on the toolbar.
  3. In the Add Property dialog, enter the Property Number and Property Name.
  4. To include this property in Reporting and Analytics, select Add Location To Simphony Reporting.
  5. Select the Time Zone for the property location.
  6. (Optional) The content in the Simphony Reporting Location section is intended for users of Simphony Transaction Services (STS) Gen 2. If you want customers to view your property name and location information via STS Gen 2, complete this section.

    See Transaction Services for more information about Transaction Services Gen 1 and STS Gen 2.

  7. If the property connects to Labor Management Cloud Service, enter the Simphony Labor Logon username and Simphony Labor Password.
  8. Select the appropriate options as applicable:
    • Enable Inventory: Select to enable Inventory Management for the property.

    • Enable Enterprise Labor Management: Select to enable Labor Management for the property.

  9. (Optional) To copy information from a property template, in the Source Property section, select Copy from source property. The hierarchy panel and Modules To Copy fields become active.
    1. To add the property to the same locations as the template property, select Add to Zones
    2. In the hierarchy panel, select the property to use as the source property.
    3. In the Modules to Copy section, select the modules you want to copy from the source property. To automatically select all modules, click the Select All Modules link.
    4. (Optional) To copy the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of workstations and kitchen display system (KDS) displays, and to create new revenue centers, select Create Clone. Selecting this option essentially selects the next two options (described in Steps 9d and 9e).
    5. (Optional) To create new revenue centers for the property based on the existing revenue centers in the template property, select Create RVCs.
    6. (Optional) To copy the IP addresses of workstations and KDS displays from the source property to the destination property, select Copy IP Addresses. Use this option when properties are segmented on their own networks and IP address conflicts do not occur.
    7. (Optional) To distribute all records (defined and inherited) from the source property to the destination property, select Distribute inherited records. Deselect this option to distribute only records defined at the source property to the destination property.
    8. (Optional) To create an override record in the destination property when an inherited definition exists, select If destination record is inherited, create override.
    9. (Optional) To distribute data extension values, select Distribute Data Extensions if they exist.
  10. Click OK to copy the records from the source template property to the new property.
  11. Click Save.
  12. If you want to manually configure the property settings, double-click the property you just added to switch to form view.


    The property location details listed here (excluding the optional items) are required to be configured if you are using the Oracle MICROS Payment Cloud Interface.
  13. On the General tab, configure the following fields:
    1. Name: Enter the name of the property.
    2. (Optional) The Consumer Facing Name field in the General section is intended for users of Simphony Transaction Services (STS) Gen 2. If you want customers to view your revenue center name and location information via STS Gen 2, complete this section.

      See Transaction Services for more information about Transaction Services Gen 1 and STS Gen 2.

    3. Phone Number: Select the phone country code and enter a phone number for the property.
    4. Address 1: Enter the address line 1 for the property.
    5. Address 2: Enter the address line 2 for the property.
    6. Address 3: Enter the address line 3 for the property.
    7. City: Enter the city in which the property is located.


      For users who previously entered text in the Country and State/Region fields in the Properties and RVC Configuration modules prior to performing an upgrade to this release, Oracle MICROS Food and Beverage recommends (after upgrading) to access each Property and Revenue Center individually and update these fields using the drop-down lists now provided there. In an effort to make it easier for users to view the prior text entries for these fields, the old text is shown in red font in the Country and State/Region fields. Once completed, Data Transfer Service (DTS) jobs update the R&A database with the new settings.
    8. Country: Select the country in which the property is located from the drop-down list.


      When a country is first selected in the Country field and then saved, you cannot go back to assign a null or empty field again.
    9. State/Region: Select the state or region in which the property is located from the drop-down list.
    10. ZIP/Postal Code: Enter the ZIP or postal code for the property.
    11. Latitude and Longitude: Enter the latitude and longitude coordinates for the property in each respective field.
    12. (Optional) Comment: Enter additional information about the property in this free text field.
    13. Click Save.
  14. In the Oracle MICROS Reporting and Analytics section, select the location configured in the reporting database from the Report Location drop-down list. The Oracle MICROS Reporting and Analytics database determines the locations that appear in the list.
    1. To add a location, click New, and then enter the appropriate information. An administrator must then add the information to the Reporting and Analytics property list in order to run reports.
    2. To change an existing location, click Edit, and then enter the appropriate information.

      If you change the report location for a live location, update the corresponding Simphony Transaction Services API account in Oracle MICROS Reporting and Analytics to use the same location.

  15. Click Save.