Configuring Taxes for GST

The following steps explain how to configure the Tax Rate, Tax Class, and Tax Parameters for Australian GST.

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, or zone, click Setup, and then click Tax Rates.
  2. Select the Tax Rate record to configure, and enter the name as GST 10%.
  3. In the Type column, select 3 - Included, Percentage.
  4. In the % column, enter the percentage value 10.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Select the Enterprise, property, or zone, click Setup, and then click Tax Classes.
  7. Create a Tax Class for GST, enter a relevant name, and then enable 1 - GST 10% in the Taxes Enabled section.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Setup, and then click Tax Parameters.
  10. Click the International Options tab, and then enable the following options:
    • 1 - On = Apply Tax as Add-On

    • 18 - Enable Australian GST, Post Inclusive Tax to Net Sales Totals


      Option 18 must remain disabled for Australian GST if Reporting and Analytics 9.1 is used for reporting.
  11. Click Save.