Configuring the Givex Processor and Content Files

Before configuring the Givex Processor, you must ensure that the XProcessor Extension Application is installed and configured. Setting Up the XProcessor Framework contains more information.

The instructions in this topic explain how to add the GenericSvcProcessor.msvc-givex.xml file to the Content module in the EMC. This file contains Generic SVC processor configuration for Givex.

  1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click Content.
  2. Double-click the XProcessorConfiguration row in the Name column.
  3. Locate the processor id=”msvc-givex” entry. This file includes an entry for the Givex Generic SVC Processor as shown in the following sample:
    <?xml version-"1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    		<!-- A processor element is used to register processors that can execute operations. -->
    		<processor id="msvc-givex" filename="Micros.XProcessor.SVC.Generic.dll" type="Micros.XProcessor.SVC.GenericProcessor" />
    	<general logverbosity="Debug">
    		<!-- Valid logverbosity values: Debug, Info, Error. Info is recommended unless troubleshooting a problem. -->

    If you are using only the Givex Processor for gift card service, delete the other entries or use comment marks around them.

  4. Click the insert icon This image shows the Insert icon, which is a green circle with a white plus sign. on the toolbar.
  5. In the Record Name field, enter GenericSvcProcessor.msvc-givex, and then click OK.

    Ensure that you enter the filename exactly as shown; otherwise problems may occur in the system. Do not include the file extension (in this case, *.xml) in the Record Name field.

  6. Double-click the GenericSvcProcessor.msvc-givex row.
  7. Set the Content Type to 1 - Loose Xaml so you can see the tags in various colors, making it easier to read.
  8. Click the Import from a file link.
  9. Browse to [Drive Letter]:\MICROS\Simphony2\EMCClient, select GenericSvcProcessor.msvc-givex.xml, and then click Open.
  10. Change the GenericSvcProcessor.msvc-givex.xml file to include the appropriate entries, replacing the tags in braces with the correct information.

    (Optional) You can also change the file to truncate account numbers by defining and enabling parserules within the preambles of account entry methods. The count attribute specifies the maximum number of characters allowed for an account number after truncation, while the start attribute specifies the index of the first character used (starting with 1). Set the enabled attribute to true in order for these parserules to take effect.

    The following example shows the file configured to enable account entry method parserules:
                <!-- The following preamble and parserule definitions can be used to limit the account 
                     number that are handled by this processor configuration. The "*" value below 
                     indicates that all account numbers ar handle. Different rules can be define for 
                     magnetic vs keyed account number entry. -->
                <entrymethod source="magnetic">
                        <preamble method="equals" value="*">
                        <parserule track="2" field="pan" start="1" count="12" enabled="true" />
                    <parserule track="2" field="pan" />
                <entrymethod source="key" >
                        <preamble method="equals" value="*">
                        <parserule start="1" count="12" enabled="true" field="na"/>
                    <parserule start="1" field="na"/>

    The comments in the file explain in further detail. For more information, see Configuring the Givex Processor Address and Port.

  11. Click Save.
  12. Update or reload your database on the workstation to ensure that the changes apply to the workstation.

    Updating Workstations After Configuration Changes in the Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide contains information about this process.