Voiding a Closed Check

After a check has been closed, you can void the check within 14 days. Voiding a closed transaction voids the entire check and all menu items on it. You need to have the appropriate privileges to void a closed check.

  1. To void a closed check when you know the check number:
    1. Press the Void Closed Check function key.
    2. Enter the check number, and then press OK.
    3. Confirm the check details, select a void reason, and then press OK. Depending on configuration, the check number is voided and becomes the next check number in sequence. You can void a payment or void a menu item, and close the check again.
    4. If at least one voided tender is configured to open the cash drawer, the cash drawer opens once (for example, voiding a check that was closed to cash causes the drawer to open so you can return cash to the customer).
  2. To void a closed check by selecting the check from a list of closed checks:
    1. Press the Void Closed Check from List function key.
    2. Select the check from the list, and then press OK.
    3. Confirm the check details, select a void reason, and then press OK. Depending on configuration, the check number is voided and becomes the next check number in sequence. You can void a payment or void a menu item, and close the check again.
    4. If at least one voided tender is configured to open the cash drawer, the cash drawer opens once (for example, voiding a check that was closed to cash causes the drawer to open so you can return cash to the customer).