Status Codes

When you make an API call, the system returns standard HTTP status codes as described in the following table:

HTTP Status Code


200 OK

The request was completed successfully.

201 Created

The request was completed successfully. Response with empty message body.

204 No Content

The request was completed successfully. Response with empty message body.

304 Not Modified

The requested resource has not been modified since the last time it was loaded.

400 Bad Request

The request could not be processed because it contains missing or incorrect information. See Problem Details for more information.

401 Unauthorized

The request is not authorized. The authentication credentials included with this request are missing or invalid.

403 Forbidden

The user cannot be authenticated. The user does not have authorization to perform this request.

404 Not Found

Requested resource not found.

500 Internal Server Error

Indicates internal error, plus the exceptionDetailType JSON object:

503 Service Unavailable

Indicates a service is currently unavailable.

501 Not Implemented

The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.


Service Timeout.