Delivery Charges

GloriaFood can charge consumers delivery fees.

While it is possible to use an existing service charge for GloriaFood, configuring a GloriaFood specific delivery fee makes it easier to track GloriaFood activity in reports.

Follow these steps to add an open, amount service charge to track GloriaFood delivery fees.

  1. Log in to EMC.
  2. Select the Enterprise, click Configuration, and then click Service Charges.
  3. Insert a new record with Record Number: 999999 and Record Name: GloriaFood Delivery Fee.
  4. Double-click the record to open it.
  5. Click the General tab.
  6. (Optional) Select the Print Class to make the GloriaFood delivery fee appear on checks and receipts.
  7. (Optional) Configure the Report Group to group the GloriaFood delivery fee on workstation reports.
  8. In the Options section, enable 1 - ON = Open; OFF = Preset and 2 - ON = Amount; OFF = Percentage.
  9. Click the Effectivity Groups tab.
  10. In Start Date, select today’s date or earlier.
  11. Disable End Date.
  12. In Recurrence Day of Week, enable all days.
  13. In Recurrence Time of Day, disable all options.
  14. Click the Itemizers tab, and then enable all itemizers.
  15. Click the Menu Levels tab, and then enable all Main Levels and Sub Levels using the Select All button.
  16. Click the SLU tab, and then select 0 - None in the SLU drop-down list.

    This setting prevents employees from using the GloriaFood delivery fee on orders created by the POS client.

  17. Click Save.