Entering Report Content

Use the following process to enter report content:

  1. Select Reports > Compliance > Periodic to display a list of periodic reports.
  2. When the application opens the list of periodic reports, locate the appropriate report and click its associated report icon.
  3. Select View Argus Dossier from the pop-up menu.
  4. When the system opens the Author tab for the selected report, click Author.
  5. When the system opens the Author window, click the expand icon form the Incompleted Questions section to display a list of questions you must answer.
  6. Click the question you want to answer to display open the Answer section, then do the following:
    1. Select the answer from the drop-down list in the Answer section or enter any text as necessary.
    2. Click Save to save the answers to the question.
    3. Repeat steps 6a and 6b until you have answered all remaining questions.
    4. Click Final to save the completed section of the report in the database.