Author Window Usage Considerations

When entering content in the Author window, be aware of the following:

  • The application processes each section and stores it in the database.
  • The Author button is available only to users that have been assigned as authors to the section.
  • When multiple users are assigned as author to the same section, the application will allow a single section to be "Authored" by a single author at a time.

Clicking Author enables you to navigate through the questions and user prompts from the database.

  • If there are no questions for this template, the system displays No Questions Found in the dialog.
  • Clicking a question enables you to select or enter the answer in the Answer text box. If the question has been answered during an earlier session, the system displays the previous answer.

The Questions Tree has two sections: Completed Questions and Incompleted Questions.

  • Completed Questions - The system displays a list of all answered questions. When you answer a question, the system moves the question from the Incompleted Questions section to this section
  • Incompleted Questions - The system displays a list of all unanswered questions. If you fail to answer a previously answered questions, the system moves the questions beck to the incompleted questions category.

The first part of the screen displays all the questions that have been asked in the template section.

  • The first question is selected by default.
  • You can scroll to view any question in the list.

The second section of the screen enables you to enter any text or select any option value as required.

Click Spell Check to check for spelling errors in a question answered in a text box.

  • The system enables the Spell Check button only when you are required to enter the answer in a text box and when focus is on the text box.
  • If the question requires you to select an answer from a drop-down list, the system disables the Spell Check button.

Click Close to stop the authoring process.

  • If any questions have been answered, the system displays the following messages:

    By closing this window will lose any answers that have not been saved. Are you sure you want to continue?

    If you click Yes (default), the system closes the message and the Author window without saving answers that have not been saved.

    If you click No, the system closes the message box and the Author window remains open.

Click Save to save all answered questions before moving to the next question.

  • You can continue the authoring process at any time.
  • The system lists all completed (saved) questions in the Completed Question section.
  • You can return to a previous question and change its answer.

Select Ignore Question if you wish to skip a question. The unanswered questions remain in raw format in the body of the file itself.

  • This check box is active only when a question is selected and unanswered.

Click Final to generate a final .doc/.docx for a template. A final documents replaces the questions and operands with answers from the database.

  • If one or more of the questions have not been answered, the system displays the following message:

    There are unanswered questions. Do you wish to generate the final document?

    Click Yes to generate the .doc/.docx file and skip any unanswered questions.

    • If you choose this option, you will have to check out the document and answer the remaining questions manually.
    • If you click No, the Authoring window remains open for further entry.

      Any values derived from the unanswered questions will be left blank.

      Once the final has been generated, click Final to open the generated .doc/.docx file from the database.

Click Draft to generate a .doc/.docx file using the latest data from the database in a read only state. The .doc/.docx will not be saved to the database.

You can move to the next question without answering the current question.

Only one Author can enter report content at a time.

The Author process can be audited.