Activities Tab

In the Activities tab, you can:

  • Specify information only about one contact log.
  • Specify information only about one action item.

Note that routing search is not applicable in Argus Insight.

The table below describes all the fields in the Activities tab. The field values you specify are used as the query criteria to retrieve matching cases.

Table 3-18 QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page > Activities Tab -- Contact Log section

Field Description


Enter the contact log date that the query looks for in cases.


Select the contact log code that the query looks for in cases.


Select the contact log group that the query looks for in cases.

Date Sent

Enter the sent date for the contact.


Enter the contact log description that the query looks for in cases.


Select the user responsible for the contact log. The query will look for the user name you select.

Table 3-19 QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page > Activities Tab -- Action Items section

Field Description

Date Open

Enter the action item opening date that the query looks for in cases.


Select the action type that the query looks for in cases.


Select the responsible group that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the action item due date that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the action item description that the query looks for in cases.


Select the user responsible for the action item. The query looks for the specified user name.


Enter the action item completion date that the query looks for in cases.

Table 3-20 QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page > Activities Tab -- Case Lock/Archive section

Field Description

Lock Date

Enter the case lock date that the query looks for in cases.

Locked or Closed By

Enter the user who locked or closed the case.

Closure Date

Enter the date when the case was closed.