Copy an Enterprise

  1. Open the Global Enterprise Management portlet.
  2. Click Copy Enterprise to Insight.


    The Copy Enterprise to Insight button is disabled for the default enterprise.

    The system updates the right pane and displays information about the enterprise to copy. The details in the Enterprise Name and Enterprise Short Name fields are read-only.

  3. From the Copy Enterprise Configuration From field, select an enterprise.
  4. Click Setup.

    (The Setup button is enabled only after you specify all mandatory enterprise information.)

    The system copies all the configuration data from the enterprise that you selected and reports status information throughout the process.

When enterprise creation is completed for an enterprise, the Copy Enterprise to Insight button is disabled for that enterprise because enterprise creation in Argus Insight is a one-time operation.


The Copy Enterprise to Insight button can be created in Oracle Argus Insight only after the enterprise and its details have been entered and saved in Oracle Argus Safety.

Once all the configuration data has been successfully copied, the user who is setting up the new enterprise is associated as a new user in Oracle Enterprise Manager, to the newly created enterprise partition.The user attributes of the user get copied from the source enterprise.

See the Oracle Argus Safety Administrator's Guide for additional details about the Global Enterprise Management portlet.