Global Enterprise Management Portlet

The Global Enterprise Management portlet lets you define and manage enterprises easily, as per the configuration of the already existing enterprises. You can access this portlet from the Global Homepage provided you have the proper privileges.

From the Global Enterprise Management portlet, you can:

  • Copy the enterprise created in Oracle Argus Safety to Oracle Argus Insight
  • Copy the configuration data from an existing enterprise in Oracle Argus Insight


The Oracle Argus Insight module is available in the Global Enterprise Management portlet only if the Safety to Insight database link is set up in the database.

If this link is not created, the Copy Enterprise to Insight button does not appear on the Global Enterprise Management screen.

Oracle recommends that when you click Copy Enterprise to Insight, you select the same enterprise as the source enterprise with which the Oracle Argus Safety enterprise has been created.

For more information, see: