Create New User Groups

  1. Click Tools on the global toolbar.
    The ADMINISTRATION TOOLS page appears.
  2. Click the Security tab.
  3. In the Groups section, click Add.
    The Group Administration dialog box appears.
  4. Click the Group Name field and enter a name for this user group.
  5. Define the users who are members of this group.
    • To add on or more users to the group, select the user name from the Available Users list, and click Add.
    • To add all available users to the group, click Add All.
    • To delete one or more users from the group, select the user name from the Group Members list, and click Remove.
    • To remove all users from the group, click Remove All.
  6. Definte the access rights for all the members of this group.
    1. Click the Access Rights tab.
    2. Click OK to confirm that you want to create the group.
    3. Select the appropriate check boxes depending on the access rights you want to assign to this group of users.
  7. Click OK.

In the Security tab, the list in Groups section displays the name of the newly created group along with the names of the users who are members of the group.