Secure User Accounts, Groups, and Access Rights

The default user name for the Oracle Argus Insight application comes from Oracle Argus Safety (admin). Its password is the same as the password of that user in Oracle Argus Safety.

Beginning with Oracle Argus Insight 7.0, you cannot create a user from Oracle Argus Insight. Instead, you create, copy, and delete Oracle Argus Insight users from the Oracle Argus Safety Console application.

In Oracle Argus Insight, however, you can create one or more user groups, and then assign access rights to the group. You can modify an existing user account, assign roles to the user, and add the user as a member of one or more groups.

In addition, all the existing Oracle Argus Safety user names and their passwords are replicated in Oracle Argus Insight.


Any user with access to the custom SQL interface for creating advanced conditions may be able to see any data present in the database. Therefore, restrict the access to this interface to those users who have back-end access or are allowed to see any data from the database.

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