Freeze and Unfreeze Case Series Data


The Freeze and Unfreeze functionality is available for Insight Mart only. Oracle Argus Mart case series cannot be frozen. The Freeze and Unfreeze buttons are not available for Oracle Argus Mart.

Before you freeze the data in a case series, review the information in this section to understand the restrictions and usage for frozen case series.

  • Access Rights

    System administrators define the freeze and unfreeze access rights when creating user groups.

    You can freeze and unfreeze case series only if you have the access rights (privileges).

  • Working with Frozen Case Series

    When you work with frozen case series, note that:

    • You cannot insert cases into a frozen case series.
    • You cannot share a frozen case series with Oracle Argus Safety.
    • You can delete cases from a frozen case series.
    • When you run a query or an advanced condition against a frozen case series, Oracle Argus Insight uses the frozen data.
    • The link to the Medical Review dialog box accesses the latest data for the case.
    • The following Oracle Argus Insight features do not require all case data to be frozen:
      • Copy Configuration utility
      • Derivation rules
  • List Maintenance Items and Derivation Rules in a Frozen Case Series
    • List Maintenance items are not frozen. Therefore, some reports will have a mismatch of List Maintenance items and the frozen case series data.
    • The derivation rules operate against current case data if the List Maintenance rules are modified. The frozen case series are shown if there is a change in the case data resulting from the derivation rules.
    • If suppress condition is checked in the derivation rule, then List Maintenance records related to the derivation rule will not be deleted in cases used in the frozen case data table.

For more information, see: