Unfreeze a Case Series Data

On the CASE SERIES LIBRARY page, you have the option to unfreeze a currently frozen case series. Unfreezing a case series forces Oracle Argus Insight to retrieve the latest information for all the cases in the series.

When you unfreeze a case series, you must provide a justification, or reason, for this action. You can either type a new justification or select a preconfigured justification.

If you have access rights to the List Maintenance tab on the ADMINISTRATION TOOLS page, use the Case Series Un-Freezing Justification option to configure one or more justifications that can be selected when you unfreeze a case series. You can add new justifications, modify existing justifications, or delete an existing justification.

To unfreeze a case series that is currently frozen:

  1. Navigate to the CASE SERIES LIBRARY page.
  2. Select the frozen case series to unfreeze.

    If a case series is frozen, the Cases column displays a snowflake icon for that series.

    The Un-freeze Case Series button is enabled only if you select a case series that is frozen.

  3. Click Un-freeze Case Series.

    The Un-freeze Case Series dialog box appears.

  4. From the Justification drop-down list, select the reason to unfreeze the case series.

    Alternatively, you may enter your own justification text to explain why you are unfreezing the case series.

    In addition, you may define the choices that Oracle Argus Insight lists for the Justification field if you have access rights to the Case Series Un-freezing Justification option in the List Maintenance tab on the ADMINISTRATION TOOLS page.

  5. Click OK.

    The system retrieves the latest information for all the cases in the series, refreshes the CASE SERIES LIBRARY page, and displays the updated case series in the list.

    In addition, system removes the snowflake icon from the Cases column because the case series is no longer frozen.