Review the Results of Your QBE

When you click Execute to run a QBE, the system searches for all the cases that match your query criteria and builds a case series.

  • If the system finds cases that match your query criteria, the ACTIVE CASE SERIES page displays the results.

    Examine the results in the ACTIVE CASE SERIES page:

    • If the case series is too large, you may want to modify your query by specifying additional field values in the QBE form to narrow down the case series.

      For more information, see Review and Modify the Criteria for an Executed QBE.

    • If the case series is appropriate, you may want to save your QBE. For more information, see Save the QBE.
  • If the system does not find any cases that match your query criteria, the ACTIVE CASE SERIES page displays the following message:

    No Cases found!

    You probably want to modify your query and then execute the QBE again.

    For more information, see Review and Modify the Criteria for an Executed QBE.