Sort, Search, and Navigate

On the ACTIVE CASE SERIES page, use the tools in the table header to sort, search, and navigate through the list of cases.

  • To sort the list by a specific column, click the arrow icon next to a column heading.
  • To filter the list, enter search criteria into one or more of the fields below the column headings, and then click Search.


    If you search for a text comprising an underscore, it is treated as a wildcard and is replaced by a letter in the displayed results. For example, If you have queries with names - CURE, CORE, and CARE and you search for C_RE, all three queries are displayed in the result.

  • To move forward and backward through the pages of case series, click the Page Navigation icons. A page displays 50 cases.

When you export the data to a Microsoft Excel file, the system retains any changes you made to the sorting and filtering order.

See Export a Case Series to Microsoft Excel for more information.

Choose Elements options


The ACTIVE CASE SERIES page displays different fields (Effective Start Date/Locked Date) based on the type of the point-in-time query used to generate the case series.