View the Active Case Series

The system assigns the active status to the case series that was last generated by executing a query. Only one case series can be active at a time. The last case series generated remains active until you:

  • Generate another case series.
  • Save modifications to an existing case series.
  • Manually assign the active status to a case series that has been saved to the case series library.

    See Make a Case Series Active for details.

To view the active case series, navigate to Case Series > Open Case Series > Active.

The ACTIVE CASE SERIES page appears with the last case series that is executed, modified, or manually made active.

The ACTIVE CASE SERIES page displays different fields based on the type of the point-in-time query used to generate the case series.

  • The Effective Start Date field appears for Current Data, and As of Date queries with the most recent revisions available in Argus Safety regardless of whether the cases are locked or unlocked, and historical data respectively.
  • The Locked Date field appears for At Lock, Last Locked Revision as of a Point in Time, and Last Locked Revision for a Version in Period queries with locked date for all the case revisions which are returned in the case series.

    The tool tip for this field also displays <Locked Date> (<Effective Start Date>) values for each row.

For more information, see: