5 Use Advanced Conditions to Create Queries on Insight Mart

The advanced conditions querying tool is designed to allow the greatest flexibility in designing the most advanced queries. You can use advanced conditions to create complex queries that involve Boolean and Set operations and use Structured Query Language (SQL).

You create advanced conditions in the Advanced Conditions Editor, which employs a spreadsheet-like approach for adding query conditions (fields and their values) and conditional operators (Boolean or Set).

Besides, Oracle Argus Insight also supports queries for analysis of the historical case data based on specific date/time through Oracle Argus Mart. To enable access to this data in Oracle Argus Mart, you need to set specific attributes.

See Use Advanced Conditions to Create Point-in-Time Queries on Oracle Argus Mart.


The labels for the advanced conditions field are displayed as per the field labels configured in Oracle Argus Safety.

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