Use the Type-Ahead Feature in Input Fields

Oracle Argus Insight provides type-ahead functionality for some fields in the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page.

When you begin to type a value into a field that supports type-ahead functionality, Oracle Argus Insight displays a list of valid values that match your entry. You can then select one of the suggested values from the list.

Alternatively, you can double-click any field that supports type-ahead functionality. In this case, Oracle Argus Insight displays a complete list of the valid values for the field. You can then select a value from the list.

Fields that Support the Type-Ahead Feature

This lists the input fields in the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page that support the type-ahead feature used when you enter query criteria.

  • Accidental Exposure
  • Action Taken
  • Action Type
  • Age Group
  • Age Units
  • Case Outcome
  • Classification
  • Code (Activites: Action Items)
  • Code (Activities: Contact Log)
  • Condition Type
  • Dosage Frequency
  • Dosage Units
  • Ethnicity
  • Event Frequency
  • Event Intensity
  • Event Outcome
  • Formulation
  • Gender
  • Group (Activites: Action Items)
  • Group (Activities: Contact Log)
  • Intermediary
  • Locked or Closed By
  • Manufacturer
  • Occupation
  • Pack Units
  • Product Units
  • Reference Types
  • Report Media
  • Report Type
  • Reporter Type
  • Route of Administration
  • User (Activities: Action Items)
  • User (Activities: Contact Log)