Use the WHO Drug Browser

To select a WHO drug product by using the WHO Drug Browser:

  1. On the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page, select the Products tab.
  2. Click the Encode button associated with the Product Name field.

    The WHO Drug Browser dialog box appears.


    The WHO Drug Browser that appears depends on the configuration settings defined for your account by the administrator.

    The browser categories (B or C) are not displayed in the browser window.

    The primary difference between the two browsers is the availability of the following fields in WHO Drug Browser:

    • Product Type
    • MAH (name of the manufacturer)
    • Medicinal Prod ID
    • Ingredients (product substance name)
  3. Use the fields at the top of the WHO Browser dialog box to define your search criteria. You may enter values in one, several, or all fields.
    1. In the Product Type field, select the type of product.

      You may include all products or a single product. The default value is All.

    2. In the ATC Code field, type all or part of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification code.
    3. Select either the Drug Code or the Medicinal Prod ID option as one of the search criterion, and then enter the appropriate search string in the text box below the options.

      The default option is Drug Code.

    4. Select either the Trade Name or Ingredient option as one of the search criterion, and then enter the appropriate search string in the text box below the options.
      The default selection is Trade Name.
    5. Enter the Formulation and Country details for the drug to be searched.
    6. Select the Full Search check box if you want the system to search for the specified string in the entire product information.
  4. Click Search.

    The WHO Drug Browser appears with the search results (for the specified drug products) in a grid format.

  5. Select the required WHO drug.

    The WHO Drug Browser highlights the selected drug and populates the fields in the Drug Details section.

  6. Click Select.

    The Product Name, Generic Name, Drug Code, WHO DRUG ATC CODE, and WHO DRUG ATC DESCRIPTION fields for the selected WHO drug are populated in the Products tab.

    Note that the Generic Name field displays all the ingredients for the selected WHO drug.