Restart the Failed Incremental ETL

The process to restart the failed Incremental ETL from the beginning is exactly the same as that of the process of running the Incremental ETL.

However, before restarting the ETL, you must log on to the Oracle SQL Developer or SQLPlus (or SQL Prompt) using the Argus ETL User credentials and execute the following statements:

EXEC pkg_sm_stage_util.p_set_cmn_profile_value ('DATABASE', 'ODI_ETL_STATUS', '0');EXEC pkg_sm_stage_util.p_set_cmn_profile_value ('DATABASE', 'ETL_SM_ITERATION_NUMBER', NULL);


To verify the successful execution of these statements, you can execute the following Select statements:

  • SELECT * FROM rm_cmn_profile_global WHERE KEY = 'ODI_ETL_STATUS';

    The entry for the Value column must be 0 after executing this statement.

    Figure 12-3 Select Statement 1 to Verify Successful Execution

    Select Statement 1 to Verify Successful Execution
  • SELECT * FROM rm_cmn_profile_global WHERE KEY = 'ETL_SM_ITERATION_NUMBER';

    The entry for the Value column must be blank after executing this statement.

    Figure 12-4 Select Statement 2 to Verify Successful Execution

    Select Statement 2 to Verify Successful Execution

See the Run the Incremental ETL section for the step-by-step procedure to restart the failed Incremental ETL from the beginning of ETL.