Populate Medicinal Product ID during E2B import for historical WHO drugs


Populate Medicinal Product ID during E2B import on Patient/Parent > Other Relevant History for historical WHO drugs (Enhancement 32513193)


When you import PATIENTDRUGNAME [B.1.8a / D.8.r.1] and PARENTDRUGNAME [B.1.10.8a / D.10.8.r.1], the WHO Medicinal Product ID on Patient/Parent > Other Relevant History > Historical drug is populated if WHO C3 format is set for the WHO drug dictionary and if there is a single match retrieved from the WHO drug table for the search criteria.

Refer to ArgusInterchange8231_E2B (R2) Import Mappings.xlsx for the following profiles:

  • ICH R2
  • FDA R2
  • EMA R2
  • PMDA R2

Refer to ArgusInterchange8231_E2B (R3) Import Mappings.xlsx for the following profiles:

  • ICH R3
  • EMA R3
  • PMDA R3