Upgrade the Oracle Argus Mart database

Run the installer

  1. Log in to the Oracle Argus Safety transaction server where Oracle Argus Mart is already installed.
  2. Download the patch and extract the patch zip file to a temproray location. For example: C:\temp\AM_8231
  3. From the folder where the Oracle Argus Mart installer is extracted, run the setup.exe file.
  4. On the main screen, click Next.
  5. On the Specify Home Details screen, select the existing Oracle Argus Mart home from the drop-down list and click Next.
  6. Choose the Upgrade option from the screen and click Next.
  7. On the Summary screen, verify the details and click Install.
  8. When the installation is complete, click Exit.

Upgrade the database

  1. Log in to Oracle Argus Mart transaction server.
  2. Navigate to Argus Mart Home\Database\DBInstaller. For example: C:\ArgusMart8231\Database\DBInstaller.
  3. Open the DBInstaller.properties file, and modify the following parameters:
    • Mart Database:
      • db_connect_string—connects to the Argus Mart database.

        Syntax: db_connect_string=<host>:<port>/<service name>

        For example, db_connect_string=server.us.xx.com:1521/db

        Or, db_connect_string=server.us.xx.com:1521/db.us.xx.com

    • dba_user—specifies the name of the Install user to run Argus Mart Liquibase Install.

      See Oracle Argus Mart 8.2.2 Installation and Administration Guide, Create the Install User.

    • Mart User of each schema, where password is optional:
      • appschema_sm_mart
      • appschema_sm_stage
      • appschema_sm_app
      • appschema_etl_user
      • appschema_rls_user
      • appschema_bi_user
    • Safety Database:
      • safety_dbOracle Argus Safety database instance name
      • safety_ro_userOracle Argus Mart read-only user created in Oracle Argus Safety
  4. From the command prompt, go to the DBInstaller directory, and execute the dbinstaller.bat file.

    The Liquibase upgrade begins, and the parameters (as entered) appear on the command prompt screen with password in the hidden mode (****).

  5. Monitor the Liquibase progress by querying the Liquibase Log table mart_dbchangelog, created in the AM_MART_USER schema.

    When the process is complete, a confirmation message appears with the latest version of Oracle Argus Mart.

  6. Validate the schema using the schema validation control file VLDN_AM_8.2.3.1.CTL.

    For more information, refer to the Oracle Argus Mart 8.2.2 Install Guide, Create the Oracle Argus Mart Database Structure-Validate the Schema.