Configure Event.xml on client machine

  1. Log in to a client computer.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, go to the local directory containing the Oracle Argus Safety installation files and navigate to ..\DBInstaller\Utilities\Cyclone.
  3. Locate and double-click the cyclone_setup.bat file to open a DOS command prompt window.
  4. In the Oracle SQL+ screen:
    1. Enter the Axway B2Bi instance in the TSNAMES entry.
    2. Enter the Axway B2Bi DB User Name in the Axway B2Bi User Name.
    3. Enter the Axway B2Bi User Password in the Password for User Axway Synchrony_USER.
    4. Enter the Axway B2Bi Schema User in the [USERS].
  5. When SQL+ connects to the specified database, enter the Directory name and the log file name.

When the process is complete, the SQL+ window and DOS command prompt window close.