Configure Event.xml on receiver machine

  1. Log in to the Receiver Server.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to <Axway B2Bi Install Folder>\conf folder\.
  3. Take a backup of the Events.xml file and rename it Events.xml.bak.
  4. Right-click the Events.xml file and select Edit to display it in Notepad.
  5. Locate the <EventRouters> section and add the following code:
    <EventRouter id="ARGUS Events" class = "com.cyclonecommerce.relsys.router.GetEventInfo" active="true"> 
    <Parameters file="../logs/ARGUS.log" rollOnStart= "true" autoFlush="true" maxFileSize="2M" maxBackupFiles="5"/>
    <MetadataProcessorListRef ref="Messaging"/>
    <EventFilterRef ref="ARGUS"/>
  6. Add the following section in the Events.xml file in the <EventFilters> section:
    <EventFilter id="ARGUS">
    <EventFilterRef ref="Message Milestones"/>
    <EventLevelFilter level="Warning"/>
    <EventLevelFilter level="Error"/>
    <EventLevelFilter level="High"/>
  7. Copy the ArgusRouter.jar file from Oracle Argus Safety local directory: \SUPPORT\AxwayB2Bi\2.6 to Axway B2Bi directory: <Axway B2Bi Install folder>/b2bi/shared/local_te/jars/.


    Make sure that the ArgusRouter.jar available from the previous versions is removed before replacing with new one. There must only be the latest ArgusRouter.jar present.

    In case Axway Interchange is upgraded to Axway B2Bi, then the old ArgusRouter.jar can be found at <Axway Install Folder>\jars\.

  8. From the browser, go to http://<Receiver Axway B2BiServer>:6080/ui/.
  9. In the Getting Started screen, hover over the Trading Configuration icon and from the drop-down menu select Recent Communities > Community.
  10. In the Summary screen and click the Application Pickup icon.
  11. In the Application pickup exchange screen, click the link in the Name column.
  12. Click the Inline Processing tab.
  13. In the Inline processing rules screen, enter the following parameters:
    1. Class namecom.cyclonecommerce.relsys.router.GetMessageInfo
    2. ParameterRelsys Argus
    3. Description—GetMessagesInformation
  14. Click Save changes.
  15. When the Pick an integration pickup exchange screen appears, click Logout.
  16. Repeat the preceding steps for the Sender Server.