Configure Message Processing Settings

  1. From the browser, go to http://<Sender Axway B2BiServer>:6080/ui/.
  2. In the Axway B2Bi Login screen, enter the Axway B2Bi User ID and Password, and click Login.
  3. In the Getting Started screen, hover over the Trading Configuration icon and select Recent Communities > <community> from the menu.
  4. In the Summary screen, click the Application Pickup icon.
  5. In the Application pickup exchange screen, click a link in the Name column.
  6. Click the Advanced tab and from Message processing, select Limited - only use message handler and collaboration settings.
  7. In the Getting Started screen, hover over the Trading Configuration icon and select Recent Communities > <community> from the menu.
  8. In the Summary screen and click the Trading Pickup icon.
  9. In the Trading pickup exchange screen, click a link in the Name column.
  10. Click the Advanced tab, and from Message processing, select Limited - only use message handler and collaboration settings.
  11. Go to <AxwayB2Bi Install folder>\B2Bi, and execute the following command to stop the server:

    ./B2Bi stop

  12. Go to <AxwayB2Bi Install Folder>\B2Bi, and execute the following command to start the server:

    ./B2Bi start

  13. To verify that the Trading engine node in Running state and the Integration engine node in Started state, and the Trading engine node is assigned to the Integration engine node:
    1. From the browser, go to http://<Sender Axway B2BiServer>:6080/ui/
    2. In the Axway B2Bi Login screen, enter the Axway B2Bi User ID and Password, and click Login.
    3. In the Getting started screen, click the System Management icon.


If the Trading engine node is not in Running state then click Start.