Test Communication

  1. From the Sender Axway B2Bi Server, configure an XML file to transmit from the Sender server to the Receiver server.


    The file must be an E2B file that contains the correct routing IDs for the sender and the receiver.

  2. Make sure that the Axway B2Bi servers on both sender and receiver are running.
  3. Drop the E2B XML file into the out bound folder of the Axway B2Bi Sender server.
  4. Log in to a machine where Axway B2Bi is installed.
  5. From the browser, go to http://<Sender Axway B2BiServer>:6080/ui/.
  6. In the Axway B2Bi Login screen, enter the Axway B2Bi User ID and Password, and click Login.
  7. In the Getting started screen, hover over the Message Tracker icon and select the Message Searches > All Messages from the menu.

    From the Search results screen, verify that the transmission is in progress by locating the Custom Search section and click Find until Delivered appears on the screen.


    The system does not display this screen if it has already transmitted the file.

  8. When the file is transmitted successfully, click Logout.
  9. Go to the Axway B2Bi Receiver server and verify that the E2B file has been received.
  10. To verify that the file has been transmitted:
    1. Log in to the receiver Axway B2Bi server.
    2. Select the All Messages option.
    3. View the message payload.
  11. Compare the E2B file on the receiving machine (payload version displayed) with the file from the sending machine.

    These files should be identical.

  12. To verify delivery on the Receiver Server, repeat the procedure.
    Verify that the E2B XML file is configured with proper routing IDs for both the send and the receiver before dropping the file into the Axway B2Bi outbound folder.