Configure Worklist Intake on the Web Server

  1. Identify the physical folders where the Intake XMLs will be dropped in. There could be one folder for all the available sites, or one folder each for each site. These folders can be on the same machine, or on different machines. Create shares for the folders.
  2. Log in to the Oracle Argus Safety Console and open the Sites UI under Access Management menu.
  3. Configure the UNC paths of the identified physical folders for the required Sites.
  4. On the server where Integrations component has been installed, navigate to the path where the Argus Safety Windows Service is running.
    <add InputXSD="..\..\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\Base.xsd" />
    <add InputXSD="..\..\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\DataOperation.xsd" />
    <add InputXSD="..\..\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\Dictionary.xsd" />
    <add InputXSD="..\..\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\Case_Intake.xsd"

    In the above tag, mention full Oracle Argus Safety Install Path. Typically, the Oracle Argus Safety Install Path is, <Argus Install Path>\Argus Safety. For example:

    <InterfaceSchemas><add InputXSD="<Argus Install Path>\Argus Safety\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\Base.xsd" /><add InputXSD="<Argus Install Path>\Argus Safety\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\DataOperation.xsd" /><add InputXSD="<Argus Install Path>\Argus Safety\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\Dictionary.xsd" /><add InputXSD="<Argus Install Path>\Argus Safety\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\Case_Intake.xsd" OutputXSLT="<Argus Install Path>\Argus Safety\Integrations\XSLT\v1.0\CaseIntake_Transform.xsl"/></InterfaceSchemas>
  5. Edit the following files: