
The following configuration changes are optional:

<FolderConfiguration><MonitorFolders MonitorAllConfiguredFolders="true"><add FolderPath="\\\Intake\US" Monitor="true" AlternatePath="C:\Intake\US"/></MonitorFolders></FolderConfiguration>

The FolderConfiguration enables you to have more granular control over what folders are monitored on what machines. This is particularly useful when the Intake folders are distributed across multiple machines and in many cases if these machines are not accessible from one server.

If the server machine on which Integrations component has been installed, has to monitor only a subset of the configured folders (configured in Oracle Argus Safety Console), then set the attribute MonitorAllConfiguredFolders = "false"

When the value is set to false, each folder in the subset of folders that need to be monitored should be added as shown in the example above, using multiple <add /> entries. More info on each of the attributes:

FolderPath: The configured folder path, as specified in Sites UI in Oracle Argus Safety Console

Monitor: true means this folder should be monitored, false means this folder should not be monitored.

AlternatePath: Alternate way of accessing the same folder path.