Adding Products

This screen helps in capturing Product Details (product specifics, product licenses, products involved in the studies. These can be the products marketed, or under investigation, by the company. Every company product should belong to a product family. Each product within a product family shares the same key ingredient and data sheets but can have a different concentration for the key ingredient. This data is reflected in multiple expedited and periodic reports and case form-general information section.

Use the following procedure to add a product.

  1. In the Business Configuration section, select Product and Licenses.
  2. In the left panel, select a filtering criterion.
  3. Select a Product and click to view the product details in the right panel.


    Ensure that you select the second-level folder to view the details of the product.
  4. The details of the product appear in the right panel.


    • You can alternatively click Add Product to create a new product.
    • Use Copy to make an editable copy of an existing product.
    • Use Copy with Licenses to make an editable copy of an existing product, along with all associated licenses.
  5. Enter the Product Name and Product Abbreviation.
  6. Enter the Dose information associated with the Ingredient Names in the Key Ingredients section.
  7. Select the Unit information from the drop-down list, associated with the Ingredient Names in the Key Ingredients section.
  8. Enter the Generic Name.


    To copy all the Key Ingredients entered in the previous section, click Copy From Ingredients. This helps you to modify the list as required, instead of entering all the names manually
  9. Enter the Dosage Formulation.
  10. Enter the Strength of the dosage and select the Units from a drop-down list.
  11. Click Encode to enter the Primary Indication. This enables you to display a primary indication for the product using either the MedDRA or the ICD-9 Dictionary.
  12. Enter the Model # number associated with the product.
  13. Enter the Manufacturer's name.
  14. Enter the Authorized Representative's name.
  15. Click Select icon to select the WHO Drug Code associated with the product.
  16. Enter the Company Code allotted for the product.
  17. Enter the Lot# and Date associated with the Product.


    You can click Add to add new Lot# numbers. If you wish to add the current date in the Date field, use the = sign on your keyboard as a short-cut.

  18. Click Save to save the product details.


    If you have added a new Product, click Add Product to save the new Product.

About Filtering Criterion

The filtering criterion is essential as it helps you to search for specific items. The Argus Console provides this option for the Business Configuration section.

Using Organized by

The filtering browser displays in the top-left corner of the left panel. The Products and Licenses section can be filtered on the basis of any of the three combinations displayed below. Consider the following:

  • If you enable Organized byFamily/Product/License, the generated output is visible in a tree-format, in the left panel.
  • If you enable Organized by Product/License, only the Product and License views are in the tree view in the left panel.

The Argus Console helps you to filter information further for the Business Configuration section. Once you have selected the Organized by, you can specify whether your search should contain or start with specific alphabets.

For example, the filtering criterion defined in the following illustration searches for all Family/Product/License data that contains the term Cure.

The left panel now displays the tree view of the Product Family > Product based on the filtering criterion.


The number displayed next to the folder signifies the number of licenses within that product.