3 Business Configuration

This section explains the Business Configuration of the Argus Console, categorized into the following modules:

Sub-Section Description

Products and Licenses:

This section helps in capturing Product Details such as product specifics, product licenses and products involved in the studies.

These can be the products marketed, or under investigation, by the company.

Refer to the following sections for further information on:

  • Configuring Product Families
  • Configuring Products
  • Configuring Licenses


This section helps in capturing Study information such as study specifics, products involved in the study licensed countries associated with the study and the clinical references used in the expedited reports.

Expedited Report Rules

This section helps in capturing Expedited Reporting Rule configuration.

The Reporting Rules configuration feature enables the administrator to define the reporting rules or criteria for the cases to be qualified for expedited reporting.

For more information, see: