Configuring User Defined Fields

The Oracle Argus Safety administrator can customize a user-defined field as a drop-down list. These drop-down lists may contain customized lookup data which can be independent of Oracle Argus data.

Use the following procedure to create a user-defined field.

  1. Identify the User Defined field in the CMN_FIELDS table.
  2. Create a custom table containing lookup information.
  3. Create a custom index and specify the required values for the table.
  4. Update the record in the CMN_FIELDS table for the User Defined Field.
  5. Create a Role and Synonym for the table.
  6. Restart IIS.
  7. Verify the update made in the application.

Consider the following example that show a sample set of scripts required to configure User Defined Fields as a drop-down list. Assume the requirement is for a User Defined Field (UDF) with the following features:

Requirement: A User Defined field SOURCE_OF_INFORMATION to be created, with its drop-down values as Fax, E2B, Letter, Email and Telephone under Case Form > General Tab > General Information.

Attribute Value

Field Name


Field Type

Numeric (Text field type would not work)

Drop-down Values

Fax, E2B, Letter, Email and Telephone

Field Location

Case Form > General tab > General Information

Use the following procedure to create a user-defined field:

  1. Login to Oracle Argus Safety> Argus Console > System Configuration > Field Labels.
  2. Select User Defined Number <N> at desired page from tree shown in the left pane.
  3. Choose No at Hidden.
  4. Check Selectable.
  5. Click Add and specify items stored in the drop-down in both English and Japanese if the field is multi-language, otherwise specify only in the English text box.

Go to General tab > General Information and check that the configured user-defined fields display the updated drop-down text.