About the MedDRA recode logs

The MedDRA Recoding tool displays the following options for each case with the existing data elements after the case number in the XLS export or tab delimited file:

  • Current Workflow State
  • Current Workflow Group

These options are available for the end user logs.

The following log files are created with detailed old and new values:

Log filename Scenario Message

(Case Form) - MedDRA_Recode_Success_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MIN

(LM Data) - MedDRA_Recode_Success_LM_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MIN

When LLT(E) is Non-Current

LLT(E) is non-current in target MedDRA dictionary: LLT(E) and LLT(J) replaced with PT

(Case Form) - MedDRA_Recode_Success_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MIN

(LM Data) - MedDRA_Recode_Success_LM_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MIN

When LLT(E) and LLT(J) not under same hierarchy

LLT(E) and LLT(J) not under same hierarchy in target MedDRA dictionary: LLT(J) replaced with LLT(E)

(Case Form) - MedDRA_Recode_Success_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MIN

(LM Data) MedDRA_Recode_Success_LM_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MIN

When LLT(E) is Non-Current and LLT(E) and LLT(J) not under same hierarchy in target MedDRA Dictionary

LLT(E) and LLT(J) not under same hierarchy in target MedDRA dictionary: LLT(J) replaced with LLT(E). LLT(E) is non-current in target MedDRA dictionary: LLT(E) and LLT(J) replaced with PT

For multi-tenant environment, when multiple enterprises are selected, the log file specifies the Enterprise Short Name with every log record that is processed for a particular Enterprise.