View differences report

You can view differences between the current XML to be imported (a message that is not yet imported into the database), the current case data in the database, and if a case has been imported before, the last imported case.


View Differences is available for follow-up reports only. This option is enabled only when an initial case or case number is selected in the duplicate search output section.

To view the View Difference report:

  • From the Duplicate Search screen, click View Differences.

    The ICSR Difference Report screen appears.

    The differences in the ICSR reports appears as:

    • Addition—New elements are highlighted in grey.
    • Deletion—Deleted elements are highlighted in red.
    • Modification—Modified elements are highlighted in yellow.

The following table describes the fields in the report.

Field Description

Trading Partner

Allows you to view the Trading Partner name from whom the ICSR report is received.


The Lock/Archive icon displayed with this field denotes the status of the case.

DTD Version

Allows you to view the DTD version of the follow-up ICSR report.

Case Number

Displays the original case number of the ICSR report.

Follow Up #

Displays the sequence number of the follow-up for the E2B report.

Total Number of Rows

Allows you to select the type of ICSR Difference to view from: Current ICSR vs. Current Case in Database

  • Current ICSR vs. Last Imported ICSR
  • Current Case in Database vs. Last Imported ICSR


Highlights the import differences.

ICSR Element

Highlights the ICSR differences.

Current ICSR

Highlights the differences in the current ICSR.

Current Case in Database

Highlights the differences in the current case in the database.

Last Imported ICSR

Highlights the differences in the last imported ICSR.

Accept Follow-up

Allows you to update the corresponding fields for the selected ICSR elements in the Oracle Argus Safety case.

Reject Follow-up

Does not update the corresponding fields for the selected ICSR elements in the Oracle Argus Safety case.

Print List

Provides the difference report in a PDF format.