What happens when auto-scheduling a Local Japan report?

On the Global lock of a case by a user, the application triggers the qualifying reporting rules including the Japan reporting rules and schedule the relevant global and local reports. There are modifications to the Report Generation functionality however, and is explained under section Changes to Report Generation.

On the Local Lock of a case by a user, the Local Reporting Rules for Japan are triggered again as follows, depending on the value in the configuration switch Case Form Configuration | Auto Regulatory Scheduling:

  • If the value is set to Always: The Local Japan reporting rules are triggered on case save during the follow-up cycles of case processing when any of the local fields caused the "Significant" data change. If any of the other fields caused the "Significant" data change, then all the reporting rules are triggered as with the existing algorithm. Also, for the initial case cycle, only local reporting rules are triggered on Local lock.
  • If the value is set to Significant: The Local Japan reporting rules are triggered on Local Lock but respecting the existing algorithm to check that Significant Follow-up was added during the prior global lock cycle during the follow-up cycles. For the initial case cycle, as with the existing algorithm, they trigger on Local lock.
  • If the value is set to any value other than None, including Manual: A new checkbox called Schedule Local Reports Only will be added under the Total Number of Rows section in the Regulatory Reports tab of the Case Form. This checkbox is visible only when the configuration switch Case Form Configuration > Auto Regulatory Scheduling is not set to None. After the rules are successfully triggered, the application unchecks the checkbox. If the checkbox is unchecked, the application triggers all the qualifying reporting rules keeping the current functionality.


As a result of triggering of local reporting rules again, the Local reports that were already scheduled during Global Lock may result in being overwritten or being removed.

Force Distribution: If force distribute is checked for a reporting rule, the application triggers that reporting rule as per the existing functionality. However, the generation and force distribution of the Local Reports have the following modifications:

  1. When a Local reporting rule marked for "Force Distribute" has a local report that has become due, the report is scheduled, generated and force distributed by performing the global and local lock on the case using the existing AG Service Force Reporting process.

    When a Local report that was already scheduled outside of the force distribution process from a local reporting rule marked for "Force Distribute" has become due, the application does not force generate this report keeping it consistent with the existing functionality.

  2. For the above scenario, AG Service uses the one step global/local lock comment "Case Globally and Locally locked for JP." (refer section Routing Comments Log and Case Print) followed by the configured comments under Argus Console > Reporting > Expedited screen > Forced Distribution comments.

    Case Globally and Locally locked for JP. << Forced Distribution comments>>

  3. After the report generation is complete, the case gets unlocked globally. AG Service uses the one step global/local unlock comment Case Globally and Locally unlocked for JP. (refer section Routing Comments Log and Case Print) followed by the configured comments under Argus Console > Reporting > Expedited screen > Forced Distribution comments.

    Case Globally and Locally unlocked for JP. << Forced Distribution comments>>