What happens when manually scheduling a Local Japan report?

On Manual Scheduling of a report by a user, the application identifies if the report is a Local Japan report by matching the Country of the License#, Destination and Report Form chosen by the user in the Schedule New Report manual report scheduling dialog box with the Local Reports Configuration.

If DLP is not enabled for Expedited Report Generation:

  1. On the Global lock of a case by a user, the application generates the global reports but does not generate any Local Japan reports.
  2. The Local Japan reports shall be generated on subsequent local lock for Japan.

If DLP is enabled for Expedited Report Generation, refer to the chapter in Oracle Argus Safety Japan User's Guide > 4 Reports .

For a Study-based WHO Drug Report, the application identifies if the report is a Local Japan report by matching only the Destination and Report Form chosen by the user.

For a Study-based WHO Drug Report, the application identifies if the report is a Local Japan report by ignoring the country, matching only the Destination and Report Form chosen by the user and if the Truly Local Case switch returns value > 0.

Note that if AUTO_FOLLOWUP_MANUAL switch is ON, the existing functionality of scheduling a follow-up report for a manual report is retained as is and if the manual report was a local report, the follow-up is treated as a local report.