WHODrug Dictionary Chinese support


WHODrug Dictionary Chinese support in Argus (Enhancement 32144414)


Updates to Dictionary Loading tool

The Dictionary Loading tool has been enhanced to support loading the WHODrug Chinese dictionary in B3 and C3 formats. The options to load or overwrite is similar to loading the WHODrug Global dictionary.

Updates to Drug Coding window

A new common profile switch has been added to set the Chinese dictionary version to be used. Once the Chinese dictionary is set, the Drug Coding window can be used to search for Trade Name, Ingredient, Formulation and Country based on Chinese terms. The records in the Drug Coding window display the Chinese data in round brackets along with the English data for Trade Name, Formulation, Sales Country, ATC Description, MAH and Ingredients columns, where the Chinese equivalent data are available. If the Chinese dictionary is not set in the common profile switch, then the Drug Coding window continues to work for English term search and selection.

Updates to Product tab

On selecting WHO Drug from the Drug Coding window, the application auto populates the Chinese trade name and the Chinese generic name in the Product Name and the Generic Name fields on the Product tab in the Multi-language window for the Chinese language. These are used for the NMPA E2B(R3) report.