Error and warning messages

When you click the Load button, several error or validation messages can appear.

# Scenario Error Type Error Message User Action
1 If you remove any of the concept class from the UI for which data is already loaded in Argus Code List and then click the Load button. MessageBox Cannot remove concept class that is already loaded in EDQM Standard List: <PDF, CDF,BDF,PFT> In Dose Formulation enter this string and click the Load button: PDF,CDF,BDF,PFT.
2 If a duplicate concept class is entered in the Concept Class input field and then you click the Load button. MessageBox <Route of Administration / Formulation> - Duplicate values are not allowed in concept class. Make sure the strings separated by comma in Route of Administration and Dose Formulation are not duplicated in any of the boxes before you click the Load button.
3 If you enter the same concept class in both boxes and click the Load button. MessageBox Please make sure the concept class values are correct for each Code List. Make sure the strings separated by a comma in Route of Administration and Dose Formulation are not duplicated in any of the boxes before you click the Load button.
4 If you enter an invalid email address in a list and click the Load button. MessageBox Please correct invalid email address(es): <email xyz><abc@> Enter a valid email address before you click the Load button. Valid email format is:
5 If an uncompressed file size exceed the limit of 1 GB, it is likely that the files are corrupted given that the ZIP file limit is 30MB. MessageBox ZIP file is invalid. Please check contents of the file and upload again. Make sure the ZIP file (dictionary file) size is less than 1 GB. Reload the file before you click the Load button.
6 If you select a zip file that does not contain any JSON files and click the Load button.


If you select a ZIP file that does not contain any of the concept class file for RoA and DF and click the Load button. The number of concept classes provided in UI for RoA and DF does not match the number of JSON files with term list included in ZIP file and you click the Load button.

MessageBox Incorrect files provided in ZIP. Please make sure that the ZIP contains one file for each concept class. Make sure the ZIP file contains one JSON file for each concept class, along with region and languages before you click the Load button. Refer to the Create ZIP file containing JSON files section for more information.
7 If you provide a ZIP file that contains multiple files with terms from the same concept class and you click the Load button. MessageBox Files with duplicate data is provided. Please make sure that the ZIP contains only one file for each concept class. Verify files: <file1.json> <file2.jspn> Make sure the ZIP file contains one JSON file for each concept class, along with region and languages, before you click the Load button. Refer to the Creating a ZIP file with EDQM standard list section for more information.
8 If you select a ZIP file that does not contain either or both configuration files for Languages and/or Regions and you click the Load button. MessageBox Configuration files are missing. Please make sure to include json files for Languages and Regions in ZIP file. Make sure the ZIP file contains one JSON file for each concept class, along with region and languages, before you click the Load button. Refer to the Creating a ZIP file with EDQM standard list section for more information.
9 If the ZIP file contains a JSON file that is missing mandatory data and then you click the Load button. MessageBox Invalid JSON file. Please make sure to download the correct file from website.

File is missing mandatory data.

Element: <element_name from json>

Filename: <file1.jsp>

Make sure the JSON files are correctly downloaded from the EDQM website and then uploaded before you click the Load button. Refer to the Download the EDQM standard list for Dose Formulation and Routes of Administration section.
10 If the .zip file contains a JSON file that is in an incorrect format and you click the Load button. MessageBox Invalid json file. Please make sure to download the correct file from website. Filename: <file1.jsp> Make sure the JSON files are correctly downloaded from the EDQM website and then uploaded before you click the Load button. Refer to the Download the EDQM standard list for Dose Formulation and Routes of Administration section.
11 If you select a ZIP file containing a JSON file where a concept class string for the first term in the JSON file does not match with the concept class derived from the file name and you click the Load button. MessageBox Concept class derived from file name does not match with the terms from file.

Concept Class: <concept class from first term>

File Name: <filename.json>

Make sure the JSON files are correctly downloaded from the EDQM website and then uploaded before you click the Load button. Refer to the Download the EDQM standard list for Dose Formulation and Routes of Administration section.
12 If you select a ZIP file containing any file which could potentially harm the system and it is being deleted by the system's antivirus policy and thus it is not available for processing, and then you click the Load button. MessageBox Folder path does not exist. Please contact system administrator. Check if the folder path for the provided ZIP file is valid and has access rights to the user account used by the Argus application.
13 If you click the Load button while the dictionary is still loading by another user. MessageBox EDQM dictionary loading is already initiated by <user name>. Contact <user name> on the status of EDQM Dictionary load or Refresh the web UI: from Console go to the Tools tab, then select from the dropdown Dictionary Management and then EDQM after a few minutes to view the status of a previous process run.
14 If you click the Load button and then click the Cancel button while EDQM Dictionary Load process is managing JSON files. At this stage, the process cannot be canceled since the JSON file is being validated. Once the JSON file validation is done, then you can cancel the process.


If you click the Load and then click on the Cancel button while EDQM Dictionary Load process has processed JSON files and then updated the database code list tables (i.e. after Updating Argus Code List). At this stage, the process cannot be canceled.
Status Load process cannot be canceled at this stage. Please try again later. Visit or refresh the EDQM utility after a few minutes to view the status of a previous process run.
15 If you click the Load button while dictionary loading is already in process by the same or another user. Status EDQM dictionary loading is in progress. Initiated at: <DD-MON-YYYY HH:mm:ss> GMT No action required by the user. This message represents information on the current status of the process.
16 If the Load process is canceled and you click the Cancel button again in another instance or if it is canceled by another user while the system is reverting the changes. Status Previous Load process is being canceled. Please try again later. No action required by the user. This message represents information on the current status of the process.
17 If you click the Cancel button after clicking the Load button before the Code list update process is complete. Status Cancellation of EDQM Terms load is in progress. No action required by the user. This message represents information on the current status of the process.
18 If a system error occurs during the Cancel process. Status Failed to cancel process. Please try again later. No action required by the user. This message represents information on the current status of the process.

Additionally, the following messages are refreshed automatically based on the EDQM Term Load process progress. These messages are available only when you perform the Load process and then stay on the same UI. Refreshing the UI will clear the Status field.

# Scenario Message
1 User provides valid inputs and clicks the Load button. EDQM Terms loading is in progress…
2 User describes the Validating files step during the Load process. Validating dictionary files.
3 User describes the Creating local repository step during the Load process. Creating EDQM local repository.
4 User describes the Updating Argus Code List for RoA step during the Load process. Updating Argus Code List for RoA.
5 User describes the Updating Argus Code List for DF step during the Load process. Updating Argus Code List for Dose Formulation.
6 After the Load process is successful. EDQM Terms loaded successfully.
7 Email is sent with status.


The AG Service process General Email needs to be running to send an email.
Email sent.
8 EDQM Term load failed. Any general code level or database exception. EDQM Terms load failed.
9 EDQM Term load failed while processing JSON files. Failure while processing JSON files.
10 Database access or a network error occurred during EDQM Load process. Failure while initiating database updates.
11 User clicks the Cancel button while EDQM Load is in progress. EDQM Terms load Cancel initiated.
12 If the EDQM Term load is successfully canceled after the user clicks the Cancel button. EDQM Terms load is canceled.