Copy Profiles

A profile can be copied to another profile from the Profile Configuration Screen. The following restrictions apply when copying the profile:

  • Only one profile with a specific Study and Include Cases option (Suspected, Non- Suspected or All) can exist in the database.
  • A profile with ALL as the Include Cases option cannot be copied to any other profile. ALL includes Suspected and Non-Suspected case.
  • When copying a profile where the Include Cases option is Suspected, the system automatically creates another profile with the Non-Suspected flag is checked (assuming the same study with Non-Suspected option did not exist before).
  • When the system copies a profiles where the Include Cases option is Non-Suspected, the system automatically creates another profile with the Suspected flag checked (assuming the same study with Suspected option did not exist before).

Use the following procedure to copy an existing profile:

  1. Select Start > Programs > Oracle > End of Study Unblinding > End of Study Unblinding.
  2. When the log in window opens:
    1. Enter the user name in the User Name field.
    2. Enter the user password in the Password field.
    3. Enter the name of the database where Oracle Argus Safety is installed in the Database field.
    4. Click Login.
  3. When the Oracle Argus Unblinding application opens, choose Argus Unblinding> Configure Argus Unblinding.
  4. Oracle Argus Unblinding opens the Configure Argus Unblinding: Select Argus Unblinding Profile window.


    An asterisk (*) next to a profile name indicates that the profile configuration is incomplete and cannot be executed.
  5. Click Copy to copy an existing Oracle Argus Unblinding profile.
The system copies the profile.