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About queries in InForm

Queries and query statuses appear in both the Central Coding and the InForm applications, and both Central Coding and InForm users can view and modify them.

Queries that are created in the Central Coding application appear in the InForm application as generated by an InForm application user with query rights. A Central Coding system administrator defines this user on the System Configuration page or the Study Information page for the study. For more information, see Setting system configuration options for queries or Editing study information.

The Central Coding application sends query information to the InForm application for review by an InForm site user in a scheduled job called Exchange Query Updates. This job runs after each iteration of the Get Requests job and synchronizes query data in the InForm and the Central Coding applications each time it runs. For more information, see About job schedules.

An InForm query created in the Central Coding application can be addressed in the InForm application in the following ways:

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