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Setting the dictionary elements to require reconciliation

At the dictionary level or coding definition level, you select the elements that require reconciliation during impact analysis.

Verbatims with differences in coding at each of the dictionary levels that you select for reconciliation appear on the Reconcile Verbatims page.

  1. To configure dictionary elements at the dictionary level, select Coding Setup > Dictionaries.

    The Dictionaries page appears.


    To configure dictionary elements at the coding definition level, select Coding Setup > Coding Definitions.

    The Coding Definitions page appears.

  2. Select a dictionary.


    Select a coding definition.

  3. Select Actions > Element Configuration.

    The Element Configuration page appears. For a description of the fields on this page, see Element Configuration page.

  4. In the Elements section, select Requires Reconciliation for each dictionary level to require reconciliation during impact analysis.
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