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Approvals page

Some of the information that appears on this page is configurable by an administrator through the element configuration options. The following table entries represent the default configuration.

The help for this page includes descriptions for core fields, actions, and buttons only.


Field descriptions for the Approvals page

Approvals page




Verbatim field

The verbatim to search for. Searches are case-insensitive. The search supports the special characters *, %, ?, and _.

The search text field can be any text string and can contain wildcard characters to facilitate matching when the exact text is not known. The percent sign (%) or asterisk (*) matches any sequence of characters; the question mark (?) or underscore (_) matches any single character.

Subject ID field

The source application identifier for the subject associated with the coding request.


Indicates that there is a note associated with the coding request.

Pointing to the Note icon displays the text for each entry in the note. The note entries are sorted from newest to oldest.

Flag icon

Indicates that the coding request requires attention. A Central Coding administrator can configure the meaning of each coding flag.

Verbatim header

The original reported text that describes the adverse event, disease, drug, or other item to be coded. This information comes from the source application.

Verbatims that are updated in the source application after they are coded in the Central Coding application are highlighted in yellow. The highlight is removed when the request status is Completed, delivered.

In a self-hosted environment, the first 25 characters of the context items (Indication and Route of Administration) associated with the verbatim appear below the verbatim if the Display Context Items on Coding Requests and Approvals pages option is selected on the System Configuration page.


The classification level code value. You can view the full coding details for a coded item from the View Full Coding dialog box. The details include the dictionary name and version, the coded term and value, and the level of the dictionary hierarchy where the match was found.

The sort on this column is case-insensitive.

Lowest and Highest Level Term

The terms associated with the levels of the dictionary. The terms are displayed on the page based on the options selected on the Element Configuration page.


A unique identifier for the subject site. This information comes from the source application.


The name of the study.

The name is an active link if your environment is integrated with the InForm application. The link opens the InForm application page for the study.

Form Name

RefName of the form associated with the request. This information comes from the source application.

Subject ID header

The source application identifier for the subject associated with the coding request. This information comes from the source application.


Action descriptions for the Approvals page

Approvals page








Approve and propagate. Marks the coding approved for the selected request and for other coded requests with the same code, verbatim, coding definition, and context information.

The approval propagates only to requests associated with unlocked studies.



Disapprove and propagate. Marks the coding disapproved for the selected request and for other coded requests with the same code, verbatim, coding definition, and context information.

The disapproval propagates only to requests associated with unlocked studies.

Disapproved requests are returned to the coder's queue with a coding status of Recode.



Code and propagate. Opens the Coding Browser dialog box, where you can interactively code and propagate the value for the selected verbatim.

The application propagates the selected code value to other uncoded requests with the same verbatim, coding definition, and context information.

The coding propagates only to requests associated with unlocked studies.

Clear Code


Removes the code value only for the selected verbatim. Clearing the code values in the Central Coding application clears the corresponding code values in the source application.


Button descriptions for the Approvals page

Approvals page








Approve and propagate. Marks the coding approved for the selected request and for other coded requests with the same code, verbatim, coding definition, and context information.

The approval propagates only to requests associated with unlocked studies.



Disapprove and propagate. Marks the coding disapproved for the selected request and for other coded requests with the same code, verbatim, coding definition, and context information.

The disapproval propagates only to requests associated with unlocked studies.

Disapproved requests are returned to the coder's queue with a coding status of Recode.

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