About configuring dictionary elements

A dictionary element is an item that corresponds to a code, term, and piece of additional information in a coding dictionary level. Each coding dictionary has its own set of elements.

The Oracle Central Coding application provides default element configuration settings for each dictionary. However, you can use element configuration options to specify which coding features and information are available in the user interface at the following levels:

  • Dictionary level—Specify which elements are available when you create a new coding definition and when you use a dictionary without using a coding definition (for example, when you browse a dictionary).
  • Coding definition level—Specify which elements are available when you work with the configured coding definition.

The element configuration settings determine the:

  • Autocode targets.
  • Information that appears on the request list view pages and in the coding browser displays.
  • Dictionary elements that are saved in the database and can be returned to the source application with a coding match.
  • Dictionary elements that can be exported to an external application with the request.
  • Data items to be reconciled during impact analysis.