Configuring elements in the request list pages

Use this procedure to configure which fields appear on the list pages for coding requests associated with a particular dictionary or coding definition. The request list pages include the Coding Requests, Approvals, and All Requests pages. You can add, reorder, and remove elements.

  1. Perform one of the following:
    • To configure dictionary elements at the dictionary level, select Coding Setup > Dictionaries.

      The Dictionaries page appears.

    • To configure dictionary elements at the coding definition level, select Coding Setup > Coding Definitions.

      The Coding Definitions page appears.

  2. Perform one of the following:
    • Select a dictionary.
    • Select a coding definition.
  3. Select Actions > Element Configuration.
    The Element Configuration page appears. For a description of the fields on this page, see Element Configuration page.
  4. In the Elements > Request List section, click the Add to Request List (Green Plus Sign icon. Add the value or item.) icon for each element to include in the coding requests list.
    The Add to Request List (Green Plus Sign icon. Add the value or item.) icon appears only for the level term elements that have been configured to be returned with a coding.
  5. In the Request List Page Display section, reorder the elements as desired to appear in the coding request list.
    1. Click the Move up (Up Arrow icon. Move the position of an item up.) icon to move the element up to the left in the list.
    2. Click the Move down (Down Arrow icon. Move the position of an item up.) icon to move the element to the right in the list.
    3. Click the Remove (Red X icon. Remove a value or item.) icon to remove the element from the list.
  6. Click the Save button.